
I marvel at the growth that filled out during my week of absence from my backyard.

There are plants that I don’t know if they are bloomers or weeds. But goodness, they are tall and full. The tomatoes are slowly pickable, small tomatoes; perfect for a splash of taste.

And aren’t we all this? Overrunning our spaces, treats for those who notice, blooming bodaciousness…

We see these things from the outside. From a place that says “I’m not that”. But what if we are seeing the jump of our own root system, that volunteer petunia that shouldn’t come up again but did…unplanted….that climbing vine of morning glory….that name (morning glory, only after coffee)……that is now on the east side of the yard and not just in its western corner…it’s corner of take-over where the burnt-out hostas (too much sun) will provide a throne of stability as they climb climb climb. What if we are a leaf to some other plant, a bloom that comes and goes to some other organic matter.

What if we are part of everything at once?

with love, with you,


photo: my hand started tomato beauties, whispered to with love and encouragement from germinating seed to planting to each succulent picking.