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The Coaching Experience

Are you thinking “I want to do coaching but the idea freaks me out! What actually goes on?”

Amy focuses the 40-50 minute coaching session with various tools and insights to coax your inherent wisdom out to the table for engagement. Our work takes in the whole person. We are not compartmentalized and Amy is solid about the intelligence of the mind, heart, soul, and body…working together. When that comes together, you will feel it. And it feels powerful.

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Discover Align Design Integrate

Discover: Warm up for coach and client to center and be fully present for the work. This is personal space that allows for the client to offer updates, high fives, failures to be honored, and whatever else is needed to set the stage for a strong coaching focused phase. We cannot work at an effectiveness level of excellence and depth if we do not know each other. You are heard, you are seen, you are believed.

Align: Agenda setting

Design: 30-45 minutes of digging in with the tools of the trade and Amy’s intuition for YOU to release the creative, resourceful wisdom that is already inside of you. YOU have all the ideas. Any idea-shaping Amy offers will come directly from you and words you have shared. YOU are the mighty designer of your life, and Amy grooves on that. This portion will close with the goals for going forward of What, When, How will Amy know. We won’t quit till your agenda and end point needs have been met.

Integrate: Closing to debrief, imagine, dream, talk, explore. You are then released to go and do. Your success is entirely dependent upon your self-investment and action.

You will want to coach with Amy if Amy’s personally engaging style is what you thrive on. Amy offers over 27 years of one-on-one support and direction. Her expertise in the church world, higher education, personal/spiritual formation guidance creates a broad belief in the human capacity. What her professional experience has steeped into her is compassion, kindness, truthtelling, challenge for growth, abounding celebrations.

Schedule with Amy

Photo Credit: Getty Photos